and i thought class 5s5 is boring,pfft okey i was wrong!!! these are what happened in our class:
Exam finished! yay! ...NO la joking.tomorrow will be the last day,but it seems like it is over,and teachers weren't teaching today,they were busy marking our exam papers,which are a waste of energy. I woke up seeing the whole class are spread to different groups--the girls,the boys,the weirdos,the gangsters. LOL joking la,just groups.
Me & Miss L (censored) were talking when the boys actually came to us and talked,which is something unusual and rarely happen in class. and we played..."SOS","tick tack toe" & some games
I made the Blonde & the Window joke again,Enyi did the magic tricks,Nicholas keep repeating "I'm handsome", Shih Jie & Yi Jer doin i dunno what,Cornelius talked about computer stuffs, Miss L laughing like nuts again. and we formed the loudest group in class =.=
We talked about "Bermuda Triangle" & what will happen if I dive under the sea & accidentally swim to the triangle zone. Min Yee came during recess & Miss L defined “笑里藏刀” (laugh & knives coming out from your mouth & kill the victim,and also,it's useful in kitchen too) Cornelius told us about the origin or the "F*CK"'s actually from the ancient Greek (or was it Romania?). couples have to apply for a pass,called the "F#CK" pass before ehem..u know la.
Miss L was laughing so damn hard that the teacher actually told her to use handkerchief to cover her mouth & be more 'feminine' =.= zz and that did not stop her from laughing like hell again.
The artistic people in the class misused their talent on drawing..errr...(slide & see the following photos)

Enyi & the gang started raping boys in class again.Those boys started by aiming their friends,i mean victims,and pulled their shirts & buttons. LOL the girls were in shock. :P

okey finished the stories in class,but then I've received another shocking news from a friend...and another friend..THEY ARE SERIOUSLY DATING!
wow congrats guys ;) I'm jealous..when will it be my turn? haha
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