yes,Introducing,the jokers in the class--Adam,Amos, Yee Yin & the gang. More supernatural activities by these bunch of people who created their own imaginary world in 5s5.The day won't be fun without them alright ;)
Guess what..

I felt sorry for Miss L for 'accidentally' (opps) poured water on her skirt.lol i was joking around & threatened to pour it but my hand malfunctioned & it worked on its own,and WALLA! my masterpiece :
Is BOLD head a new trend in school?Hmm well i dunno.We had spot check in school today,and the boys with long hair were caught and sent to the discipline room for 'hair treatments'..The girls in class were terrified & paranoid about their hair ,haha
and ooh,lucky me. I have "long bleached" hair
Typical Kwang hua students,there will always be a mirror when you need it :P
(Shan Wen,my girl-friend who have loads of records of breaking the school rule & Irwin,our class monitor. )
Irwin,trying to flat his hair so that he won't get caught.but it fails.
He was sent to the discipline room & never returned......poor thing
Oh yea I finished reading "Ten Things I Hate About Me" which I borrowed from a junior in school.Johnathan said I was EMO. lol noooh,the story line is really interesting. and I borrowed another book from library,and returned it on the same day,it was BO-RING.. and later i managed to find another book which really caught my attention:"The Crushes--Heartbreakers Novel"
Okey don't get it wrong,i wasn't intent to learn anything about dating or something but I just can't get my hands off the book! it's is irritating how everything in the book make sense & wow,there's even 30 ways of "How to Turn a Crush into a Boyfriend". hahaha isn't it cool!
I showed the book to my friends,of course,girls..and they went "Oohh","wahh" about it.I will make another post for about this book another day yah ;) wait for it!
I went for lunch in KP with some girl-friends.decided to fatten my tummy before this fasting season. Can't wait for Ramadhan! I'm aiming for flat tummy :)
Tags:Min Yee & Ah So.
How long since we had lunch together? hmm 2 years? good day,good day..
"hey Farah,turn around." and *snap*
"ooh..how do i eat this?"
and ooh,lucky me. I have "long bleached" hair
(Shan Wen,my girl-friend who have loads of records of breaking the school rule & Irwin,our class monitor. )
He was sent to the discipline room & never returned......poor thing
Oh yea I finished reading "Ten Things I Hate About Me" which I borrowed from a junior in school.Johnathan said I was EMO. lol noooh,the story line is really interesting. and I borrowed another book from library,and returned it on the same day,it was BO-RING.. and later i managed to find another book which really caught my attention:"The Crushes--Heartbreakers Novel"
Okey don't get it wrong,i wasn't intent to learn anything about dating or something but I just can't get my hands off the book! it's is irritating how everything in the book make sense & wow,there's even 30 ways of "How to Turn a Crush into a Boyfriend". hahaha isn't it cool!
I showed the book to my friends,of course,girls..and they went "Oohh","wahh" about it.I will make another post for about this book another day yah ;) wait for it!
I went for lunch in KP with some girl-friends.decided to fatten my tummy before this fasting season. Can't wait for Ramadhan! I'm aiming for flat tummy :)
How long since we had lunch together? hmm 2 years? good day,good day..

Okey,we had Add Math tuition at 4.30. I had loads of fun with the heaps in class.Me,Laura & Yee Loon were borak-ing with Raymond & Ling from High School,about ugh...Facebook..girls...Add maths & loads of stuffs...until THEY mentioned about 'The Kwang Hua Girl with Big Boobs" ak.a. "Mount Everest"..The girl's name couldn't be mentioned here,sorry,and she's a FRIEND of mine! :) They 'forced' me to get my hand on the "OMG-I-LOVE-THAT-PHONE"-phone--the Nokio X6. They wanted me to search for her name on FB =.= I was 'forced' to do so okeyyy :P
Yee Loon,in the other hand,was still being very mysterious about the whole thing..of him and another girl. I WANNA KNOW THE UPDATE please la!
Yee Loon,in the other hand,was still being very mysterious about the whole thing..of him and another girl. I WANNA KNOW THE UPDATE please la!
And poor Laura. I was eating biscuit while doing my Add Math when she told me about ...what was it again? omg Short Term Memory Lost. but I remember spurting the biscuit on her face .sorry la about that but u know what happened?! SHE DID THE SAME ON ME! okey now we are even x)
Loads of thrills & excitements happening these days. Okey guys,wait for more wacky stuffs in the future,i guess ;)
Loads of thrills & excitements happening these days. Okey guys,wait for more wacky stuffs in the future,i guess ;)
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