First Facebook,then Twitter and now Blog?
And i bet u guys will go "OMG this girl is so damn annoying,blogging everyday & brags about her life".haha yea I do,and the whole blogging thing was my friend's idea,and my other friend,who inspired me,telling "Marina,u talk alot".That's why i made this blog,and those who followed me should know the consequences ;)
I'm gonna write about new stuffs every single day ;)
So What If I Talk Too Much, I'm Marina lah~
Friday, July 30, 2010
Miss L-L-L-N
Miss L.L.L.N,stands for Miss Laura Laugh Like Nuts. If there is such thing as "The Biggest & Craziest Laugh" award,i think she would probably be the 1st who is nominated for it.
plus, she's nuts...
and I'm dedicating this post to her,for making my day today,with loads of jokes & laughter.
When i say laughter,i'm serious--We made the most noises in McD today.oh yea,it's my second time McDing this week.Gosh I'm gonna be fatttt

Enjoy these photos of Laura.for more info,search for her name in my FB friend list. or contact me if you are interested in her :P She's single & available hahahaha!
Oh yeah,we went to Klang Parade today.and there's a new store selling Korean clothes and we went cuci mata! hahaha
plus, she's nuts...
and I'm dedicating this post to her,for making my day today,with loads of jokes & laughter.
When i say laughter,i'm serious--We made the most noises in McD today.oh yea,it's my second time McDing this week.Gosh I'm gonna be fatttt
Enjoy these photos of Laura.for more info,search for her name in my FB friend list. or contact me if you are interested in her :P She's single & available hahahaha!
Oh yeah,we went to Klang Parade today.and there's a new store selling Korean clothes and we went cuci mata! hahaha
Thursday, July 29, 2010
29 July Jokes
"Bloody CELAKA!!!"
woah chillax--There goes our Laura again,filling the atmosphere with her high pitch shrieking in the early morning,today in school.
...just because of an English text book. yep she had her text book confiscated by the discipline teacher last week because she left her book in class and now she had bought a new one (NOTE: it's an SPBT book that has been confiscated) for RM18.60!!! that's like DAMN expensive,for a useless Eng text book.
Hmm now you understand why she sworn la right? :D haha
Enyi : "hey Laura,do you know that I had a crush on you back in Form 1?"
Laura:"It's still a NO."
haha funny people.
woah chillax--There goes our Laura again,filling the atmosphere with her high pitch shrieking in the early morning,today in school.
...just because of an English text book. yep she had her text book confiscated by the discipline teacher last week because she left her book in class and now she had bought a new one (NOTE: it's an SPBT book that has been confiscated) for RM18.60!!! that's like DAMN expensive,for a useless Eng text book.
Hmm now you understand why she sworn la right? :D haha
Laura:"no."It's a normal day in school,and not many coming because exam's just over. Let's say..Boring? not really.
Enyi : " Hey Laura,borrow me you book please." (he's my kai ko in class)
Enyi : "hey Laura,do you know that I had a crush on you back in Form 1?"
Laura:"It's still a NO."
haha funny people.
Guess what,my Mandarin teacher lose my exam paper today and she asked me whether i accidentally took it home or whether I forgot to write down my name.
lol I said that i did pass up the paper ,altho I'm not really sure about it,because if I don't, i might need to retake the test.So I made the "WHAT-- YOU LOSE my paper?!!" look so that she really think that it's her fault :P
it's a good thing that she lose it tho (THANK GOD). During the test,I only finished 3 out of all questions in the paper.hehe
lol I said that i did pass up the paper ,altho I'm not really sure about it,because if I don't, i might need to retake the test.So I made the "WHAT-- YOU LOSE my paper?!!" look so that she really think that it's her fault :P
it's a good thing that she lose it tho (THANK GOD). During the test,I only finished 3 out of all questions in the paper.hehe
My dad thinks that he has slimmed up since he quit his job.
i asked him,what was his weight before? and he said,it was 80kg.
and what is his weight now? he said it's 70kg..
wow,that means he just lost 10 kg! yay for him
I just remembered something,"So 70-what kg again?
lol....So u just lost 1 kg la......=.=
i asked him,what was his weight before? and he said,it was 80kg.
and what is his weight now? he said it's 70kg..
wow,that means he just lost 10 kg! yay for him
I just remembered something,"So 70-what kg again?
lol....So u just lost 1 kg la......=.=
Big N' NASTY burger
I went to McDonald for lunch today,with some friends from school and went to order food at the counter.
There's a new poster beside the Big Mac,and my eyes saw the words "Big N' NASTY"
here goes:
Cashier : "May I take your order please?"
Me : "Yes please,one Big N' Nasty"
Cashier : "..........??"
Me :"yea..Big N' Nasty burger please?"
Laura : *Looking at the board menu for a NASTY burger*
Cashier : *Blurred* O.O
Me : "i said BIG N' NASTY burger please...."
Laura :"pssst..Mar! U mean Big N' Tasty is it?"
Me :".....Oh Yeah...1 Big N' Tasty please!!"
Laura & ms Cashier :" zzzz....."
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Another Wacky Day *
"HOME RUN!!!!!"
yes,Introducing,the jokers in the class--Adam,Amos, Yee Yin & the gang. More supernatural activities by these bunch of people who created their own imaginary world in 5s5.The day won't be fun without them alright ;)
Guess what..
Yep.. they were playing baseball in class
CATCH! whooott~!!
Joshua trying his luck :D
yes,Introducing,the jokers in the class--Adam,Amos, Yee Yin & the gang. More supernatural activities by these bunch of people who created their own imaginary world in 5s5.The day won't be fun without them alright ;)
Guess what..

I felt sorry for Miss L for 'accidentally' (opps) poured water on her i was joking around & threatened to pour it but my hand malfunctioned & it worked on its own,and WALLA! my masterpiece :
Is BOLD head a new trend in school?Hmm well i dunno.We had spot check in school today,and the boys with long hair were caught and sent to the discipline room for 'hair treatments'..The girls in class were terrified & paranoid about their hair ,haha
and ooh,lucky me. I have "long bleached" hair
Typical Kwang hua students,there will always be a mirror when you need it :P
(Shan Wen,my girl-friend who have loads of records of breaking the school rule & Irwin,our class monitor. )
Irwin,trying to flat his hair so that he won't get caught.but it fails.
He was sent to the discipline room & never returned......poor thing
Oh yea I finished reading "Ten Things I Hate About Me" which I borrowed from a junior in school.Johnathan said I was EMO. lol noooh,the story line is really interesting. and I borrowed another book from library,and returned it on the same day,it was BO-RING.. and later i managed to find another book which really caught my attention:"The Crushes--Heartbreakers Novel"
Okey don't get it wrong,i wasn't intent to learn anything about dating or something but I just can't get my hands off the book! it's is irritating how everything in the book make sense & wow,there's even 30 ways of "How to Turn a Crush into a Boyfriend". hahaha isn't it cool!
I showed the book to my friends,of course,girls..and they went "Oohh","wahh" about it.I will make another post for about this book another day yah ;) wait for it!
I went for lunch in KP with some girl-friends.decided to fatten my tummy before this fasting season. Can't wait for Ramadhan! I'm aiming for flat tummy :)
Tags:Min Yee & Ah So.
How long since we had lunch together? hmm 2 years? good day,good day..
"hey Farah,turn around." and *snap*
" do i eat this?"
and ooh,lucky me. I have "long bleached" hair
(Shan Wen,my girl-friend who have loads of records of breaking the school rule & Irwin,our class monitor. )
He was sent to the discipline room & never returned......poor thing
Oh yea I finished reading "Ten Things I Hate About Me" which I borrowed from a junior in school.Johnathan said I was EMO. lol noooh,the story line is really interesting. and I borrowed another book from library,and returned it on the same day,it was BO-RING.. and later i managed to find another book which really caught my attention:"The Crushes--Heartbreakers Novel"
Okey don't get it wrong,i wasn't intent to learn anything about dating or something but I just can't get my hands off the book! it's is irritating how everything in the book make sense & wow,there's even 30 ways of "How to Turn a Crush into a Boyfriend". hahaha isn't it cool!
I showed the book to my friends,of course,girls..and they went "Oohh","wahh" about it.I will make another post for about this book another day yah ;) wait for it!
I went for lunch in KP with some girl-friends.decided to fatten my tummy before this fasting season. Can't wait for Ramadhan! I'm aiming for flat tummy :)
How long since we had lunch together? hmm 2 years? good day,good day..

Okey,we had Add Math tuition at 4.30. I had loads of fun with the heaps in class.Me,Laura & Yee Loon were borak-ing with Raymond & Ling from High School,about ugh...Facebook..girls...Add maths & loads of stuffs...until THEY mentioned about 'The Kwang Hua Girl with Big Boobs" ak.a. "Mount Everest"..The girl's name couldn't be mentioned here,sorry,and she's a FRIEND of mine! :) They 'forced' me to get my hand on the "OMG-I-LOVE-THAT-PHONE"-phone--the Nokio X6. They wanted me to search for her name on FB =.= I was 'forced' to do so okeyyy :P
Yee Loon,in the other hand,was still being very mysterious about the whole thing..of him and another girl. I WANNA KNOW THE UPDATE please la!
Yee Loon,in the other hand,was still being very mysterious about the whole thing..of him and another girl. I WANNA KNOW THE UPDATE please la!
And poor Laura. I was eating biscuit while doing my Add Math when she told me about ...what was it again? omg Short Term Memory Lost. but I remember spurting the biscuit on her face .sorry la about that but u know what happened?! SHE DID THE SAME ON ME! okey now we are even x)
Loads of thrills & excitements happening these days. Okey guys,wait for more wacky stuffs in the future,i guess ;)
Loads of thrills & excitements happening these days. Okey guys,wait for more wacky stuffs in the future,i guess ;)
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
O-M-G-Those Freaks in My CLASS
OMG FREAKS! total weirdos! what happened today in school was seriously out of this world!
and i thought class 5s5 is boring,pfft okey i was wrong!!! these are what happened in our class:
Exam finished! yay! ...NO la joking.tomorrow will be the last day,but it seems like it is over,and teachers weren't teaching today,they were busy marking our exam papers,which are a waste of energy. I woke up seeing the whole class are spread to different groups--the girls,the boys,the weirdos,the gangsters. LOL joking la,just groups.
Me & Miss L (censored) were talking when the boys actually came to us and talked,which is something unusual and rarely happen in class. and we played..."SOS","tick tack toe" & some games
I made the Blonde & the Window joke again,Enyi did the magic tricks,Nicholas keep repeating "I'm handsome", Shih Jie & Yi Jer doin i dunno what,Cornelius talked about computer stuffs, Miss L laughing like nuts again. and we formed the loudest group in class =.=
We talked about "Bermuda Triangle" & what will happen if I dive under the sea & accidentally swim to the triangle zone. Min Yee came during recess & Miss L defined “笑里藏刀” (laugh & knives coming out from your mouth & kill the victim,and also,it's useful in kitchen too) Cornelius told us about the origin or the "F*CK"'s actually from the ancient Greek (or was it Romania?). couples have to apply for a pass,called the "F#CK" pass before ehem..u know la.
Miss L was laughing so damn hard that the teacher actually told her to use handkerchief to cover her mouth & be more 'feminine' =.= zz and that did not stop her from laughing like hell again.
The artistic people in the class misused their talent on drawing..errr...(slide & see the following photos)
Okey don't blame me,they requested to put this on my blog! (a half-nude drawing of our dearest teacher)
Another drawing of her,the Angelic version
Compare teacher with dogs (!?)
Enyi & the gang started raping boys in class again.Those boys started by aiming their friends,i mean victims,and pulled their shirts & buttons. LOL the girls were in shock. :P
Shih Jie,the poor victim..Enyi,u're cruel :P
Why is Ng Ying smiling!?
Yi Jer,New kid in class...poor thing :P
okey finished the stories in class,but then I've received another shocking news from a friend...and another friend..THEY ARE SERIOUSLY DATING!
wow congrats guys ;) I'm jealous..when will it be my turn? haha
and i thought class 5s5 is boring,pfft okey i was wrong!!! these are what happened in our class:
Exam finished! yay! ...NO la joking.tomorrow will be the last day,but it seems like it is over,and teachers weren't teaching today,they were busy marking our exam papers,which are a waste of energy. I woke up seeing the whole class are spread to different groups--the girls,the boys,the weirdos,the gangsters. LOL joking la,just groups.
Me & Miss L (censored) were talking when the boys actually came to us and talked,which is something unusual and rarely happen in class. and we played..."SOS","tick tack toe" & some games
I made the Blonde & the Window joke again,Enyi did the magic tricks,Nicholas keep repeating "I'm handsome", Shih Jie & Yi Jer doin i dunno what,Cornelius talked about computer stuffs, Miss L laughing like nuts again. and we formed the loudest group in class =.=
We talked about "Bermuda Triangle" & what will happen if I dive under the sea & accidentally swim to the triangle zone. Min Yee came during recess & Miss L defined “笑里藏刀” (laugh & knives coming out from your mouth & kill the victim,and also,it's useful in kitchen too) Cornelius told us about the origin or the "F*CK"'s actually from the ancient Greek (or was it Romania?). couples have to apply for a pass,called the "F#CK" pass before ehem..u know la.
Miss L was laughing so damn hard that the teacher actually told her to use handkerchief to cover her mouth & be more 'feminine' =.= zz and that did not stop her from laughing like hell again.
The artistic people in the class misused their talent on drawing..errr...(slide & see the following photos)

Enyi & the gang started raping boys in class again.Those boys started by aiming their friends,i mean victims,and pulled their shirts & buttons. LOL the girls were in shock. :P

okey finished the stories in class,but then I've received another shocking news from a friend...and another friend..THEY ARE SERIOUSLY DATING!
wow congrats guys ;) I'm jealous..when will it be my turn? haha
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Day off-Cooking!
Okeyh mum said,if I don't learn cooking,I won't get married.geez
so i learned cookiing.JOKING! Was damn hungry this morning,so i decided to make a German dish,from a book Laura lent me.
and i turned to page 211,the easiest recipe ever!! yes, Potato Pancake :)

Ingredients (I made some adjustment) :
500g of floury potato
1 onion
2 eggs
2 and a half of teaspoon of salt
5 tablespoon of plain flour
cooking oil
HOW TO MAKE? easy!
-Wash & peel the potatoes
-Grate the potatoes & onion
-Add salt, eggs & flour
-Mix well
-Heat a lil oil in a pan
-Spoon the mixture into the pan & press flat
-Cook the pancakes on both sides until they turn crispy brown
Cooking ain't hard after all :P
so i learned cookiing.JOKING! Was damn hungry this morning,so i decided to make a German dish,from a book Laura lent me.
and i turned to page 211,the easiest recipe ever!! yes, Potato Pancake :)
German Recipe Book :) credit:Svenja,Laura

Walla! done :)
Ingredients (I made some adjustment) :
500g of floury potato
1 onion
2 eggs
2 and a half of teaspoon of salt
5 tablespoon of plain flour
cooking oil
HOW TO MAKE? easy!
-Wash & peel the potatoes
-Grate the potatoes & onion
-Add salt, eggs & flour
-Mix well
-Heat a lil oil in a pan
-Spoon the mixture into the pan & press flat
-Cook the pancakes on both sides until they turn crispy brown
Cooking ain't hard after all :P
Saturday, July 24, 2010
NightShine--By Russell
"I recorded and edited this when i was sick, so i may look a little loopy lol.
This video is a little different. This video shows how i compose music and it shows you how i get an idea on a guitar and then soon i develop it on my computer playing other instruments such as piano, drums or some synths. What really inspired me to do this was Jimmy Eat World. After listening to their album Clarity for the 100th time i got inspired to write a song along the lines of them. I hope you guys like it."
-Russell,a talented (Malaysian,haha)musician in JENESYS :P
MTV World Stage Live in Malaysia
"hey Marina,are u going to the World Stage?"
ugh yea it hits me every time when the same question is asked,and i don't know why it's becoming more frequent these days!
yea me,Laura & Dianah were talking about this like 2 months ago and ..
I CAN't GO lah! HAPPY NOW? geez
yea i have to attend the selection camp on the same day.haih
well good luck for those who are going.and wish me luck too for the camp :)
here's a link to win the passes:

Katy Perry, Tokio Hotel & Wonder Girls are coming :)

well yea I wanna see Bill Kaulitz on stage again!! and those M&G passes..ugh ugh!

tried on the M&G pass yesterday,but I couldn't answer the questions! my poor knowledge of Tokio Hotel giving me problems! gah!

one of the pic I took during their concert in May
ugh yea it hits me every time when the same question is asked,and i don't know why it's becoming more frequent these days!
yea me,Laura & Dianah were talking about this like 2 months ago and ..
I CAN't GO lah! HAPPY NOW? geez
yea i have to attend the selection camp on the same day.haih
well good luck for those who are going.and wish me luck too for the camp :)
here's a link to win the passes:

Katy Perry, Tokio Hotel & Wonder Girls are coming :)

well yea I wanna see Bill Kaulitz on stage again!! and those M&G passes..ugh ugh!

tried on the M&G pass yesterday,but I couldn't answer the questions! my poor knowledge of Tokio Hotel giving me problems! gah!

one of the pic I took during their concert in May
Friday, July 23, 2010
Mutiara Doa
Doa Memohon Rahmat & Pimpinan Allah
"Ya Allah,Kurniakanlah kepada kami rahmat dari sisi-Mu & berikanlah kemudahan serta pimpinan kepada kami untuk keselamatan agama kami."(Surah al-Kahfi ayat 10)
Doa mendapat Hidayah berkekalan daripada Allah
"Ya Allah,janganlah Engkau pesongkan hati kami sesudah engkau memberi rahmat dari sisi-Mu sesungguhnya Engkau maha pengurnia(banyak memberi rezeki)"
(Surah Ali Imran ayat 8)
Doa Memohon akhlak yang Baik
"Ya Allah,sepertimana Engkau mencantikkan kejadianku,maka perbaiki pula akhlakku."

Matthias' Farewell

On 17th July,Lilian made this so-called surprise party for Matthias,which was not a surprise anymore. lol and we had loads of fun,meeting new people.they were so friendly :)

On Sunday,we decided to go ice-skating in Sunway.It was really amazing and i met Eric,Dex,Hidaya,Matthias,Laici,Ken Joo again,and some new friends :Laici,Stephy & JJ. it's a great reunion,and we spent our last day with Matthias. :)

Everyone couldn't finish their was super spicy. everyone headed home,and Goodbye, Matthias :(
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