
Monday, October 17, 2011

Photographic Final

Photographic,my all time favorite subject.
our final project was exciting. My model was Nadia Alias,my classmate,chose her for her one of a kind Middle Eastern look. We're given 3 choices: Advertisement, CD Cover & Magazine cover. I decided to do a mag cover for National Geographic.

                                                                    I made her wear a Yukata at first

(Left)Irsyad & his model, (Right) Ummu's took this with my cam,that's her model

Sarah Hanan,most awesome person in our group.She made the blood effect looks real

Finally I chose the other idea since the yukata doesnt really suit for the mag. It turned out perfect ;)

There you go,my final project,how do you think?

Saturday, October 15, 2011


Iphone 4s hit the market yesterday. T^T

My Sony Ericson is dying and im craving for a new phone. guess Iphone is too much to ask from my i've searched around Melaka for a phone that i could afford with money that i earned after SPM.

and yea,i received a new phone,lame'o Samsung Corby II. super cheap! rm299 or less. at least something better than the old one!
since we're having Illustration class next semester,so suppose i've to get my own tablet soon.

and also saving up for the broadband. UiTM wifi sucks.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Abducted By The Girls!

First week of sem break. met up with Chi En, Ann Teng, Yee Loon & Min Yee,four of my best-best buddies back in high school. They haven't change a bit!

We went for movies in Jusco & Kara-OK in Neway. CHING CHING,only costed me rm20 that day! Gotta make good use of our student cards ;)

Chi En & Ann teng
oohhh Johny English is good,watched it twice,worth it.

We watched Abduction. That's because Teng gets crazy over Lautner. pfft

Ow yeah and we went window shopping after movie <3

Karaoke, Min Yee arrived later.

everything is on 50% discount!!! dangg!!!!

Had awesome time with everyone and hope to meet up again on the Twilight premier ;)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Sem Break,Begin!

It has been 4 months since uni and HELLLOOOO sem break!
Got myself involved in arguments with 2 persons who used to be my good buddies. yep,fresh new experience.
it's 4th of October and everyone supposes to be at their hometown by now,but me & #Sarahsuffocate decided that we should indulge ourselves in Tunas Ilham on the 6th since there's nothing much to do at home.
ooh Tunas Ilham is an event organized by the Art & Design faculty for ur info. they're selling paintings with reasonable prices and loads more! cant wait!

(ehem,decided to practice driving during the break! improving my skill,P license berkarat dy loh)

 had so much fun hangin around with the seniors  :) awesome ppl. :)

from left: our level chief :P ,Kak Liya.
with black & white shawl (mine),Kak Piqa
White tudung,Kak Diba & Kak Husna,with turquoise shirt.
Kak Piqa & Diba is graduating soon so we're not gonna see each other next sem T^T
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