Friday, September 24, 2010
Bad ending for cheating.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
My Biography (Thank you XinYi for tagging me)
What's the name of the song that you're listening to?
Pergi,by Aizat,Mine,by Taylor Swift and Club can't stand me by Flo Ride
Name someone with the same month of birthday as you?and why?
Zhi Han, my BM teacher who i forgot her name,Shalin Zulkifli-the International bowling player,Erra the gedik gal,DAD!
what do u mean why?? do we need reasons why we were born in the same month?
Ever sang in front of a large audience? Choir,yes.
Do you still watch kiddie movies or kiddie TV shows?
Yup,why not? it's considered as animation,and I adore animation :)
Do you speak any language?and what language/s?
Do you ever watch MTV?
None. well,does my dad's name (Abdullah) count?
Eye color:
very very black
Do you get along well with your parents?:
Yup we are like friends
Ice cream:
Vanilla + Blueberry, Mint!
Do You ...
love your idol?
Who? oh,yea.
Call people back?
I'm actually stating real facts about someone,does that count?
Believe in love?
I used to.
what are your favorite foods?
Ouh Ouh! slide down to the older post! haha
what color do you like most?and why?
Black Black and Black,definitely.
what is your favorite subject?
I love: happiness.
I don't understand: Add Math and why can't we live in peace.
Life is full of :monsters.
I get annoyed very quickly when: You burb or sneeze in front of me
AVAILABLE: still Single ;) if you are ugly,then it'll automatically switches to Unavailable. haha jokin!
CRUSHING ON: Now? No more.
HOMETOWN: I'm not sure.Kuching? Kuantan? Terengganu? Selangor? Everywhere i guess.
TIME YOU WOKE UP: 6am because i have to get to school. pfft
X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD: Left and right hand,i think8 years ago when i broke both hands in the same year.
Random Questions About You:
What color do you wear most: BLack .
Least favorite color: Yellow for yuks.
Do you believe there is life on other planets: I do,and that's weird.
Do you believe in miracles: They do happen in life.
Love at first sight: Usually,yea.
Have you ever been on a plane: Yup
Have you ever been asked out by someone: Many times,and refused.hahaha!
Who was the last person you took a picture of: Hmm...Laura,eating...
Who was the last person you said I love you to: My friend.always :)
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Rain,Rain,Go away,come again another day,PLEASE!!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Hari Raya 2010!!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Bamm!! The Imaginary Car Crash :P
"A car accident happened when i was a kid," he said.
"You hit a car?"
"No,a car hit me." =.=
"Why weren't you dead?"
This is how the accident was like in my mind:
Saturday, September 4, 2010
I had a hard time this month,trying to sustain myself from eating and even looking at good food. Thank God I'm able to control the monster inside me,UNTIL it burst out when I saw my friend's post about food in his blog.Grr.. I hate you @Aliens Hoh xD
So I'm tempted to write about my favorite food here. lol and Grandma,grandpa,if you are reading this,I wanna thank our ancestors for the wonderful gene passed to me,thanks to them I have a high level of metabolism & proud of the fact that I can eat and eat and EAT until i chocked! bwahaha! and Aha! I feel satisfied even by looking at this. ;)
Btw Mr Dumb Diary,it's Ramadhan,the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. It is the month of fasting, in which participating Moslems refrain from eating and drinking,from dawn until sunset. Fasting is intended to teach Moslems about patience, humility, and spirituality.Hari Raya is only 5 days ahead! whoohooo!!

I had my first sashimi tako in my host family's house. Mum took a fresh and still-moving octopus from i dunno where,and chopped it to small pieces. yea it sounded disgusting,but once you get it into your mouth..Urmmm tastilicious! of course,eat it DEAD lah. hahaha! yes,be grossed.

I had okonomiyaki made by my host sis in Msia before,but it doesn't taste as good as this.
I heard we can get Okonomiyaki flour from stores in Jusco,is it true?